Saturday, January 28, 2012

So it begins. Again.

Some might know and some might even care, I've been involved with "public-access television" since 1986. It's hard to believe, but 1986 was an actual time that really existed. All that crazy hair and clothes and stuff was totally real. Anyway, the point is I have A LOT OF FUCKING VIDEOS.

Yeah. Those are 3 rows deep.

 I have hoarded this stuff for many years. Hauling crates of tapes from place to place. It takes up around 12 milk crates all together. I guess I thought it was important to keep? I invested so much time into all this shit so it must be "important" right?

I produced two weekly live series. In the late 80s it was "Jeff's Night Time Phone Thing" and in the mid-90s I was doing "Nothing TV." Both were "weird," had a lot of experimental and psychedelic analog tomfoolery. There were always pre-taped skits. Sometimes "themes," but mostly the shows were me and my friends doing whatever we felt like. The main component of everything was taking live uncensored phone calls on the air.

Back then I was pretty much just reveling in the total freedom that went with doing something where no money was involved and there was no particular incentive to do things that would be popular or in fact, something that anybody would even like.

I suppose in the course of this blog, I'll detail more of the history. Again, all presuming this is somehow important or at least interesting to somebody...

I decided this winter to make it my project to start archiving my video online. For all these years of hoarding, the stuff is doing no good just sitting in crates and I think it's getting to the point where it's now or never...


Quite a few of the older tapes are starting to show this weird sort of blotchy grey stuff. I don't know what this is but it doesn't look good. Possibly from so many temperature changes being stored in unheated basements through many winters. Maybe it's a natural decomposition VHS tape goes through after 20+ years. Hopefully these even still play. I guess I'll find out here in a bit.

So yeah. This should start to fill up with lots of crazy shit over the next few months.
My "idea" is to put together edited highlights of a show and post them here, via my Youtube channel.
The blog will be kind of "liner notes" about the particular episode. Then I'll air the full thing on GRTV. Which still exists.

We'll see how it pans out. Maybe it'll just be another thing that I pour many hours into and nobody gives a shit and I'll just go back to being lazy and drunk.